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Willows Run Golf Club
Willows Run Golf Club

Willows Run Golf Club

Willows Run Golf Club

10402 Willows Rd NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: 425-883-1200

Golf Course Review: Willows Run Golf Club

RUN from Willows Run

Run Away from Willows Run..!

If you plan on having an Corporate Golf Event, do your guests a favor and play this Willows for yourself beforehand or you'll only Regret it afterwards...

I've played both courses at Willows Run for many years. I play a lot of golf and "used to like" playing these courses. Both courses Eagle's and Coyote's playability have continually deteriorated to a point that it would be better to just play Wayne in Bothell or Kenwanda near Snohomish (as informed to me by the others in my group) because they are in better shape for half the price while being on par (course maintenance wise). I wouldn't place either of Willows Run's courses condition above a 2 on a 1 to 10 scale. I don't know anything about the Par 3 course. I've played Eagle around 8 times throughout this year. Each time I've finished the round and swore that I wouldn't come back until the course condition warranted a return or the management even cared that I played the course. Today, Saturday (7/18/2014) was the worst yet. Major bald spots throughout the fairways. The fringe is burned out around most greens. Several greens have multiple dead streaks or huge dead patches across the greens apparently from hydraulic leaks on the maintenance equipment. Major areas around most of the greens are bare and the ball will settle in bare areas next to poorly maintained grass clumps making any opportunity to get up and down difficult. Today, the round took 5 hours and 22 minutes. Several tee boxes had 2 groups waiting to tee off, making for more complaining. Apparently, seven groups in front of us was playing their first round of golf. Nice... Marshals have no power or authority to do anything other than to make excuses.

It's clear that the exceedingly poor condition and horrible playing quality of this course is due to the sever reduction of the maintenance budget. There is no other reason. Willows isn't even close to being overplayed. Actually, it's apparent that the course isn't being played very much due to the fact that most seem to be avoiding Willows. So, you should be able to get a tee time almost any time easily.

The other three players in my group complained about the course and slow play so much it just reinforced my lack of desire to return. They stated that they won't be back, nor will I.

The only bright spot in the day was when you actually had a clear line to the hole on the green, the putt ran true. Surprise...!

During and after the round I (we) felt that I (we) wasted my (our) time playing Eagle and felt that I (we) was (were) Robbed. As mentioned above, go play another course and you'll be glad that you did. Either play a course similar in condition and save $30 - $50 bucks or go to Druids or an Oki course and be happy with the course you spent your day on. Go to an Oki course where they understand how to take care if a course and where it's fun to play a course that cares. You could also go to the sister course of willows named Druids Glen. Druids Glen has finally benefited and understood how bad maintenance can effect your reputation and repeat play. They are back on track. So, I make the 45 minute journey without a second thought because you'll be rewarded with a good course that you'd like to spend your time on.

It's also clear that Willows thinks quite a bit of themselves. Charging Mid-Summer rates while delivering a seriously sub-par course condition with an elitist attitude is mind boggling. Sometimes, it's not always about the Location, Location, Location. It's about the perceived value vs you're golfing experience that seems to fall short in the managements considerations. To them, I believe it's about getting your money without delivering the goods. I wonder how they get anyone to return to play twice? I truly wonder how they take anyone's money to play there with a straight face?

In closing, do yourself a favor and play Willows Next Year and see if the ownership has actually learned how to take care of there existing patrons and hopefully by then the courses condition vs being concerned mostly about profits while beating down the course into a cattle farm.

Don't waste your time, Run from Willows Run.


Overall Experience



Based on my experience: I would not play the course again.

Posted by Robert k on 07/23/2014 - This review has been viewed 17,581 times.

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